
Graphic Design Inspiration

What a inspirational site!

This is a site that not only allows users to download; free vector images, psd brushes, textures, fonts and the like, but also is an inspiration of imagery and techniques. Some of the design is quite trendy, but the author of this site is to be commended for sharing a wealth of designer web "free stuff" knowledge.

I have been sifting through the vast info and freebies. I will post some of the "treasures" I find and use myself.

Check it out!
just click on the title of this blog

I say this is a pretty sweet site for you visual graphic lovers, and isn't their one in all of us. To say, "No" would be lying I think. :P

new to blogging

Today is my first day to begin blogging.

Why have I waited so long?

I don't know.

I tend to be a perfectionist and I wanted to create the perfect site. Ummmm.
I then realized there will never be a perfect site. The creator and author of many genres of media, never completely feel as if their work is finished. Much less perfect.


In all it's imperfections and room for improvements ere is julie's first blog.

More to come...

Oh, found a cool tutorial for my blog header. I will post later how to create a simple space aura in photoshop later.
